Training of Users

Training of new clerks of wages and personnel departments

Responsibility of professional departments in wage processing and personnel administration is considerable! We recommend wages calculation and personnel processing using Target 2006 to be practised only by those clerks who have been properly trained in operating the system by an authorized trainer.

A good training of the operating staff of the system is in the users' interest. It would not be sufficient, in order to maintain efficient and reliable work with the system, to briefly "show" a new wages accountant how to calculate wages in Target 2100.

Even though an experienced wages or a personnel manger is usually able to operate Target 2100 without occurrence of any obvious error in processing, we find out such hastily trained operating personnel uselessly does a number of automate operations of the system "manually".

Training of new users of the system is organized in a form of a paid service in our common tariffs per hour. The training takes 3 days for each of professional departments and can be accomplished in a place of a customer or in the classroom of the company M-PRO in Most. The training can be ordered by appropriate selection on this page, by e-mail or by phone call to the service department of the company.

Cyclic additional training of users

The system Target 2100 is in a process of permanent innovation and development. A range of our users utilizes the system for many years. For this reason, even experienced system users get to the situation in which they utilize the system as they were trained rather long time ago, and do not fully utilize all new possibilities of the system.

For this reason, regular training of our users in new characteristics and functions of the system is recommended. An optimal period of trainings is 2 years. For the cyclic training usually 1 day training for each professional department (personnel, wages) is satisfactory.

The training is organized in a form of a paid service in our common tariffs per hour. The training can be accomplished in a customer place or in the classroom of the company M-PRO in Most. The training can be ordered by appropriate selection on this page, by e-mail or by phone call to the service department of the company.

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